Correct response when suddenly caught fire

Many young people, instead of evacuating, stopped filming for photos of a fire. This is really not true at all.

Many young people, instead of evacuating, stopped filming for photos of a fire. This is really not true at all.

Perhaps we all know that it is extremely important to quickly evacuate the fire area.

However, it is not always possible to escape to a safe place and to leisurely withdraw the device to film. Doing this firstly will greatly affect the relief work of functional forces. Ask, fire trucks are doing their best to get to the fire as quickly as possible, yet their path is full of young people handing out camera phones to take pictures in an excited way, it is still fast how can i do

Picture 1 of Correct response when suddenly caught fire

Functional forces want to quickly put out the fire, and you are blocking people.

Monday, the safe place where you stand filming is probably not really safe. With a large-scale fire that is unclear, the possibility of non-flammable explosives is entirely possible. Standing on film at such a close distance can make doctors have more work to do, and the victim is you.

And finally, do you think should not be standing while filming a photo, while it is unclear whether the accident had someone injured? Unfortunately, when someone took a shot and posted it on the Internet, it was tragic, and the bricks from netizens were unintentional!

The reaction is true when a fire occurs

When a fire occurs in public places, it is necessary to quickly follow the instructions of the guard. If there is no security there, search for a safe exit quickly. All must be done calmly, avoiding jostling chaos, making many people vulnerable.

Picture 2 of Correct response when suddenly caught fire

Bend as low as possible, moving quickly to the exit door.

If a fire occurs in a closed hall, you need to consider smoke. According to the British Firesafe Advice site, smoke is the cause of the most deaths in fires. At that time, you should bend as low as possible, moving quickly to the exit door.

Also in this situation, you should not open the door right away. You can only open if the door has all three elements: The door has no smoke, the door is not hot or too warm, and is similar to a door knob.

Picture 3 of Correct response when suddenly caught fire

Checking the door before opening is a prerequisite for safety when there is a fire.

However, once you arrive safely, you should only do 2 things: Either leave quickly, or focus on supporting the functional forces, helping the victims.

Those are the right things, instead of standing on the camera and shooting on a virtual life.

Update 18 December 2018



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