Critical treatment for only 1.20 USD / year

With only 1.20 USD / person / year, poor countries can prevent and treat millions of cases of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Research by the World Health Organization (WHO), published on September 18, ahead of the first UN Summit on chronic or non-communicable diseases (NCDs), said countries Poor people can take measures to prevent and treat millions of cases of cancer, heart, diabetes and lung disease at a low cost of only $ 1.20 / person / year.

Picture 1 of Critical treatment for only 1.20 USD / year
Governments will impose high taxes on cigarettes and alcohol

'Nearly 80% of people with this disease are low-income or moderate' WHO's Ala Alwan director of NCDs and mental illness said: 'The challenges of these countries are great, but research This research has shown that the government has taken significant steps to address these non-communicable diseases. '

WHO has introduced measures aimed at the entire population, including high taxes on tobacco and alcohol, smoking in the workplace and public places, advocating for lowering the amount of salt and fat in the diet. eat, have a reasonable diet, increase physical activity.

In addition, the diagnosis and counseling of drug use for people at risk of heart disease, cervical cancer, hepatitis B vaccine to prevent liver cancer are also necessary measures.

WHO predicts that in the next two decades, the number of deaths from NCD diseases could increase to 52 million per year by 2030.

According to the World Health Organization, the implementation of the above measures can save millions of lives in the next 15 years.