Cure poisoning with star fruit

When it comes to many people will think of a variety of fruits in the summer, the main ingredient in an attractive apricot. But in addition, star fruit also works very effectively.

Picture 1 of Cure poisoning with star fruit According to Oriental medicine, star fruit has sour taste, calculated average, used for refreshment, detoxification, diuretic. Here are some remedies from star fruit:

- Cure cough, sore throat: Fresh star fruit 60-80g, squeeze drinking water.

- Cure poisoning: Taking fresh star fruit juice to squeeze water, drink a lot will find it very effective.

- Difficulty to treat urination and incontinence: 7 fruits and fruits, cut each fruit to 1/3 on the stalk, pour into a bowl of water, half a bowl, drink when still warm If you want to be more effective, combine it with a navel with a star fruit and a crushed garlic.

- Cure allergies due to contact with paint: Take 1 fresh star fruit and then slice, then rub on the allergy skin area.

- Cure cough and asthma in children: Use 20g of star fruit leaves, wash, cook water twice a day, half a bowl each time.

- Cure measles: Star fruit 16g, 16g Asian soup root, finely chopped, golden star, sharp drink twice a day. The results are very positive.