Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Eating yogurt, fruit is good for health, but if applied according to unscientific habits, it can be a disaster for the stomach.

Top 6 daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Wash dishes with a sponge

Solveig Langsrud, a microbiologist at Nofima (Norwegian Food Research Institute), recommends using a plastic or silicone brush instead of a sponge to wash dishes.

Picture 1 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

The plastic brush is dry, while the sponge is an ideal place for bacteria to grow because of the humidity. These bacteria will spread to dishes, dishes, easily attack your stomach.

The brush is also easy to clean, so you only need to put it in the dishwasher once a week.

Solveig Langsrud, a microbiologist at Nofima (Norwegian Food Research Institute), recommends using a plastic or silicone brush instead of a sponge to wash dishes.

The plastic brush is dry, while the sponge is an ideal place for bacteria to grow because of the humidity. These bacteria will spread to dishes, dishes, easily attack your stomach.

The brush is also easy to clean, so you only need to put it in the dishwasher once a week.

Leave dirty dishes in the dishwasher overnight

Picture 2 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Experts recommend washing dishes within a day of putting them in. Bacteria can live on dirty dishes for up to four days, so their spread must be prevented.

Experts recommend washing dishes within a day of putting them in. Bacteria can live on dirty dishes for up to four days, so their spread must be prevented.

Replace meals with salads

Picture 3 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Vegetable salads contain many vitamins but are not good as a meal replacement. It has no protein, which easily leads to dysfunction of organs in the body. In addition, cold food is not good for the stomach, making it take longer for the stomach to digest.

If you care about the intestines, want to avoid bloating, puffiness, cramps, you must eat a lot of warm food.

Vegetable salads contain many vitamins but are not good as a meal replacement. It has no protein, which easily leads to dysfunction of organs in the body. In addition, cold food is not good for the stomach, making it take longer for the stomach to digest.

If you care about the intestines, want to avoid bloating, puffiness, cramps, you must eat a lot of warm food.

Eat curd and yogurt every night

Picture 4 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Curd and yogurt can make digestion worse if you eat them in the evening. Indian specialists say that people with acid and acid reflux should avoid yogurt.

Curd and yogurt can make digestion worse if you eat them in the evening. Indian specialists say that people with acid and acid reflux should avoid yogurt.

Chewing gum too much

Picture 5 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Chewing gum can help reduce stress. However, chewing gum regularly can cause problems like jaw pain and diarrhea. One gum a day is enough for your body.

Chewing gum can help reduce stress. However, chewing gum regularly can cause problems like jaw pain and diarrhea. One gum a day is enough for your body.

Eat many different fruits at the same time

Picture 6 of Daily habits that can cause stomach pain

Indian medicine does not recommend mixing fruits together. Each plant has its own flavor, containing different substances. Mixing them together can be harmful to the stomach.

Each type of fruit is digested by the stomach at a different rate. So, if you are bloated, you should stop eating fruit salad at night.

Indian medicine does not recommend mixing fruits together. Each plant has its own flavor, containing different substances. Mixing them together can be harmful to the stomach.

Each type of fruit is digested by the stomach at a different rate. So, if you are bloated, you should stop eating fruit salad at night.