Dangers from public wifi and how to avoid them

For those who often need to use a network connection, but do not often register online, constantly moving will disrupt their work and experience. Using free public wifi network connections is quite useful for them and ensures effective network connection.

However, using public wifi also has many potential risks that you cannot predict. Next, let's find out the harmful effects of using public wifi and how to overcome them properly.

Dangers of using public wifi

Collect user data

Currently, cybercrime is a concern for many domestic and international network operators without a specific answer. What these subjects are doing is attacking the public wifi network that the devices are connecting to. They exploit personal information of users accessing public wifi network connections. To steal data about online banking accounts, or financial services, for the purpose of stealing property and blackmailing users by exchanging personal data.

Picture 1 of Dangers from public wifi and how to avoid them
Hackers exploit users' personal information, accessing public wifi network connections.

Create fake Wi-Fi networks

Hackers will create a fake Wi-Fi access point. Once the user logs in and connects to the wifi network they created, all of your personal information and data will be sent to websites or accounts. When it comes to shopping, they understand it all.

If you are not vigilant and connect to that wifi network, this network will record everything you have been accessing, from user-entered details such as bank passwords, to sensitive data. Other feelings they all grasp without you even knowing it

Eavesdropping attack

This type of attack is very common and is applied by many hackers. They will monitor and directly interfere with incoming and outgoing connection data on your wifi-connected device. It can also direct public wifi users to malicious websites to trick users and steal financial information or install malicious code on the device to enable remote control access.

Public wifi networks also open up opportunities for attackers on the same network without any intervention from the network provider, even if the wifi network is legitimate, not a fake network. You need to avoid accessing any Wifi network that does not require a password, as well as sending data out without encrypting the information, because that data is very easy to be collected and used by bad guys for unwanted purposes.

The device will be scanned for network attacks

With the development of digital technology today, it is not uncommon to encounter sophisticated cyber attacks occurring regularly on public wifi networks. The direct reason why public wifi networks are easily infiltrated and exploited is because those connections are less secure, and do not have a close connection to the server.

Spreading malware

Hackers often like to attack networks that are accessed by many people. From there, they can exploit more user information. By sending malware and viruses over public wifi networks. These network users will not know and automatically download such malware to their devices. Thus, you have disclosed all your personal information silently and for free.

Ways to avoid dangers from public wifi

Find out the origin of the Wifi network you connect to

Picture 2 of Dangers from public wifi and how to avoid them
You should only choose networks that have the origin of the connection.

When you want to connect to a certain wifi in the list you found. You should only choose networks that originate from a connection, belonging to a specific company or hotel. Do not connect to wifi networks of unknown origin, without a security password, even though the connection is good and has a stronger connection than other networks.

Always connect to networks that have a password set

Picture 3 of Dangers from public wifi and how to avoid them
Wifi connections with passwords will still bring a more secure and secure feeling.

WPA or WPA2 security codes are always highly reputable and safe connections. Hacking into a wifi password is not difficult for a hacker, but nonetheless, wifi connections with passwords will still feel more secure and safe than unprotected public connections.

Use the HTTPS protocol with sites that offer it

Websites with addresses starting with https:// are links that are more secure than the regular http protocol. Because these connections are encrypted and add a better layer of protection and are more difficult to penetrate than regular network connections.

Picture 4 of Dangers from public wifi and how to avoid them

Limit connections and do not connect to public wifi networks. These are always our top tips for you to avoid unfortunate disclosure of personal information or bank accounts.

Therefore, using public wifi connection will bring a lot of risks to you. Through the article below, surely some of you will realize the limitations and dangers of these connections. The above prevention methods will help you significantly limit the theft of personal information.