Top 8 objects that slow down wifi waves in the house, see now to know how to fix them

Many objects in our homes slow down wifi signals, but not everyone knows this.

Recently, your home wifi is often slow, or every time you go to any corner of the house, the signal will be very poor, causing problems with connections to your phone and laptop. The cause may be because you are too far away from the wifi transmitter, or your home has items that block wifi waves.

Below are 8 objects that slow down wifi waves in the house that you may not know about.

1. Metal surfaces and furniture

Metal is a conductor, which means it absorbs electricity. Because wifi releases electromagnetic waves, any metal surface or object in the house will be an agent that prevents the waves from spreading.

If you want your internet connection to be problem-free, you need to place your wifi router away from areas with a lot of metal. For example, some metal surfaces such as: Stainless steel table, iron table, iron cabinet.

Picture 1 of Top 8 objects that slow down wifi waves in the house, see now to know how to fix them
Any metal surface or object in the house will prevent the waves from spreading.

2. Brick and stone walls

Some types of walls block your wifi signal such as: Granite, marble, cement, concrete, plaster and brick. This explains why in 2-story houses, people often encounter very weak Internet connections on one of the floors.

To fix this, place your router in an open area and away from walls.

3. Mirror

It may not sound related, but the mirror is a shield, causing the internet connection to become chaotic. When it is close to the router, it can make the signal strength slower and unstable.

4. Refrigerator and washing machine

Electrical equipment with water circulation pipes will affect the wifi signal. Water can reduce some electromagnetic energy, affecting the connection of the wifi network. If you don't want your wifi to be slow, don't place the refrigerator and washing machine near the transmitter.

5. Decorative lights

Decorative lights help your room become bright and bright, but this device also makes the wifi in the house weak. To control decorative lights, a control device is needed and this device is on the same frequency as wifi.

This also affects the wifi connection. According to experts, this type of light can reduce transmission efficiency by up to 25%.

7. Landline phone and camera

Landline phones and cameras both use chips and emit electromagnetic waves, which are similar to wifi waves. The router sends signals to devices connected to the Internet, but it will suffer from overlap. Keeping landlines and cameras away will help your home wifi transmitter connect better.

8. Microwave

Microwave ovens are one of the devices that use the 2.4 GHZ frequency, sharing the same frequency with the wifi transmitter. So, microwaves can cause wifi to temporarily stop working.

Above are 8 objects that slow down wifi waves in the house. If you have devices like these in your home, be careful and keep them away from them so that the wifi can broadcast effectively.