Death scorpion venom: The most expensive liquid on the planet!

Deathstalker is one of the most dangerous scorpions on the planet, its venom is also the most expensive liquid in the world for $ 39 million / gallon (~ 907 billion / 3.78 liters). .

Deathstalker is one of the most dangerous scorpions on the planet, its venom is also the most expensive liquid in the world for $ 39 million / gallon (907 billion VND / 3.78 liters).

The most expensive liquid on the planet

The venom from a Deathstalker can kill people, but at the same time can give people huge amounts of money. At $ 39 million (about VND 907 billion) per gallon (1 gallon = 3.78 liters), death scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world.

Even if you have enough money, you can't buy a scoop of a scorpion. Instead, you can only buy extremely small amounts. 130 USD (3 million VND) is the amount you have to spend to own 1 drop of venom smaller than 1 sugar.

Picture 1 of Death scorpion venom: The most expensive liquid on the planet!

Death scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world.

Why is the death scorpion venom so expensive?

Scorpion venom is difficult to get . People have to extract scorpion venom by hand and extract venom one by one. A scorpion can only produce up to 2 milligrams per extraction.

Try doing an operation, if you have a scorpion, you will have to extract the 2.64 million venom to fill a gallon. The person taking the venom also faces the risk of scorpion bites. Although an injection is not enough to kill a healthy person, it will certainly be very painful.

Another reason that scorpion venom becomes expensive is its applicability . Inside the scorpion's deadly venom contains many ingredients that help in creating breakthrough, pioneering drugs.

For example, chlorotoxin in scorpion venom can bind to some cells in the brain and spine, thereby helping to determine the size and specific location of tumors.

Researchers also use scorpions to eliminate malaria in mosquitoes.Scorpion venom is also tested to treat bone diseases in mice. Scientists hope it has the same effect on humans.

The more you study scorpion venom, the more scientists discover many uses. That means the demand for scorpion venom will continue to increase. So they are trying to find a way to extract the scorpion venom faster.

In 2017, a group of Moroccan scientists invented a machine that squeezes the remote and helps capture scorpion venom four times faster than humans. They hope the device will be available in the next few years, making the scorpion extraction process faster and safer.

Update 18 December 2018



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