Decode nightmares in both sexes

Nightmares are not the same for everyone but there is a difference between men and women, according to the latest research by German scientists.

Nightmare is the least desirable thing in everyone's sleep, it is not the same for everyone but there is a difference between men and women, according to the latest research by German scientists.

Almost everyone a few times in his life must experience nightmares. Even for a few people, nightmares are night stories.

Nightmares often occur during the REM stage of sleep and are defined as an unpleasant experience for each person. Nightmares often make people dreaming wake up.

A few years ago, scientists studied and published many publications on the frequency and psychological pathology of nightmares, but only a few systematic studies of the content of evil dream in older people.

Picture 1 of Decode nightmares in both sexes

Men's nightmare is often due to work pressure, while women are the death of relatives.

The study was conducted by Dr. Michael Schredl, of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, which carried out more than 2,000 volunteers. They were interviewed, asked and reported about their bad dreams. As a result, 48% said they had never experienced nightmares, 10% met them a few times a year, and nearly 5% of those interviewed had terrible nightmares for at least two weeks. times. Things that are common in nightmares are falling from above, being late, being chased, or losing a loved one.

Research has shown that nightmares about being dismissed from violence are common in men, while women's nightmares often involve sexual harassment or the death of a loved one. .

Women also often have bad dreams about losing their hair and teeth, because they come from worries about losing attractiveness.

But both sexes face dreams of failing exams, although they are no longer students.

Dr. Shredl said that nightmares about being paralyzed, falling or being chased are often not directly related to the occurrence of a person's life, but may reflect their fears. For example, dreaming of being chased by a monster is a metaphor for the daytime dreamer's fear, when they want to avoid it.

He also continues to learn more about the possible metaphorical relationship between nightmares and stress in life.

Update 18 December 2018



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