To not have nightmares ...

For those who have experienced, nightmares are really horrible and will be even more terrible if not awake quickly. It is difficult to ensure that we do not ' touch ' them but can reduce the number of ' face-to-face ' visits.

Picture 1 of To not have nightmares ...

Resist stress

Nightmares are often just symptoms of daytime stress. So if you are stressed, this can put pressure on your thoughts when you sleep.

Think of nightmares as a signal to find the true ' culprit ' of stress in your daily life. If you can overcome this situation, you will be able to reduce the possibility of nightmares. If this is not possible, going to a therapist for advice, or a vacation can also be an effective solution.

Fight disease

Fever is also one of the causes of nightmares and fatigue of the body will reflect right in your dream. Nightmare because tired body can pass away when you get better.

Remember that sometimes your nightmares may be a sign that you are sick.

Avoid taking drugs

Many different drugs can cause side effects that make you nightmares. Consult your doctor when nightmares occur with or after the time of taking the medicine. Avoid using stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco, because it is also a bridge to bring nightmares to meet you.


Don't lie in bed when you are very alert or have spent the whole day watching scary movies, either very busy, or stressed. If you do so, you will be overwhelmed with thoughts, then move and nightmares will surround you. Instead, you should spend about 1 hour before sleeping to relax, eliminate all stress. Reading books is a very effective way, especially if it is a comic book.

Consider diet

Your food can affect dreams, just like drugs. Remember that food interacts with the body in many different ways. Make sure you have a reasonable diet, avoid caffeinated beverages because it will irritate your head, work continuously, avoid foods that bring in too much energy and indigestible foods. chemistry, these things will ' disturb ' you and you will not be able to have beautiful dreams.

Go to the toilet

Looks like this is not really important, but don't despise it. A common form of inhibition in the body is the need to go to the toilet and this need will get into your dreams in many ways. (In young children this may lead to enuresis).