Detect toxins to improve HIV immunity

Mexican scientists claim to have discovered a virulence that improves the body's immunity to certain antigens such as HIV, hepatitis B and parasitic diseases , opening a new direction for public research work to enhance the prevention of some specific vaccines for these diseases.

The April 15 announcement of Biology Doctor Leticia Moreno Fierros of the National Autonomous University (UNAM) said a group of scientists from the country has discovered Cry1Ac toxin of Bacillus bacteria. thuringiensis may improve the body's immunity to some of the dangerous viruses.

Picture 1 of Detect toxins to improve HIV immunity

According to her, the mucous membrane is the main pathway for pathogens to penetrate the body through the respiratory tract, intestinal tract and urinary tract. However, on the other hand, it also has many immune system cells, including epidermal cells.

During the experiment, the researchers standardized the method of separating lymphocytes in the mucous membranes and on this basis, they could proceed to testing to improve the current vaccine.

In addition, the team is trying to find out the mechanism of action of Cry1Ac toxin in immune cells.

In addition to training, UNAM is also a multidisciplinary research center, including a highly reputable biological research center not only in Mexico but also in Latin America and around the world.