Detecting fossil creatures with 700 million year old spines

Biological archaeologists from Harvard University (USA) have discovered a fossil creature of thorns about 700 million years old at the Alaska - Canada border.

Biological archaeologists from Harvard University (USA) have discovered a thorny fossil of about 700 million years old at the Alaska - Canada border - information published in The Journal Geology on 8 - 6 for know.

Picture 1 of Detecting fossil creatures with 700 million year old spines

Images of creatures with spikes through microelectronic scanners.

According to experts, this spiny creature is a creature of the genus Characodictyon that lived at the time of the Snow Globe, 717 - 812 million years ago. At this time, unicellular organisms thrive and can then be "submerged" under the frost.

Cohen and Macdonald and the heaps at the University of California , USA (UCLA) captured the 3D image of this fossil. The images clearly show creatures that are structured in arrays like a plate, each with 20 micro-widths, equal to one-fifth of the diameter of hair fear. It is arranged in a honeycomb pattern, has many colors and has protruding spikes.

Picture 2 of Detecting fossil creatures with 700 million year old spines

3D images of spiny creatures.

According to the analysis, the spines surrounding the body help the organism to digest and release the waste, as well as act as a "body armor" to protect the body. This is one of the earliest omnivores that has a positive impact on the development of protozoan.

Researchers are continuing to explore and hope to discover many other ancient organisms that prove the development of the ancient biological world.

Update 17 December 2018



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