Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries

Many remains of skulls have an oddly stretched skull and countless valuable jewelry have been found at a quarry near Bolivia's capital La Paz.

A quarry in Bolivia unknowingly opened the entrance to an ancient crypt built by cutting into limestone. Since taking over, the archaeological team led by Professor Jedu Sagarnaga (University of Mayor de San Andres in La Paz - Bolivia) has unearthed more than 100 estimated remains of the age of more than 500 years, belonging to one Mighty nation has been wiped out.

Picture 1 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
The skull is strangely stretched - (photo: REUTERS).

It was a large graveyard with many remains of heterosexual skulls, the crest of the skull was eerily stretched . In addition, the remains are buried with hundreds of precious antiques, including many exquisite jewelry and copper artifacts. The jewelry of noble women in ancient tombs is very beautiful and varied from bracelets, necklaces, hair bands, hair bands .

Picture 2 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
Ancient Incas were buried with many precious artifacts - (photo: AP).

Initially, archaeologists doubted that the remains could belong to one of the two mighty empires - the Pacajes of the Tahuantinsuyo Empire or the Incas (the invaders had wiped out the Tahuantinsuyo Empire in the 15th century). .

The Incas continued to rule for a long time until they were invaded by the Spanish in the late 16th century.

Picture 3 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
Artifacts are found in the crypt.(Photo: AP).

Picture 4 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
Professor Jedu Sagarnaga on an artifact - (photo: AP).

Subsequent tests showed that they were all Incas. The heterosexual skulls mentioned above are not due to any terrible ritual, but they seem to have sought to extend their skulls while alive with mysterious tools such as imprints for a social status. high.

Picture 5 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
An old vase was found.(Photo: AP).

Picture 6 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
It seems that people at that time sought to extend their skull while alive.(Photo: AP).

Picture 7 of Detecting more than 100 deformed remains in stone quarries
The location of the ancient tomb discovered under the quarry, 20 km from the capital of La Paz - (photo: DAILY MAIL).

Many grave thieves have robbed this ancient cemetery in the past but perhaps due to its large scale, the remaining things are still quite massive. Wilma Alanoca, Bolivia's Minister of Culture, called this "an unprecedented discovery".

Excavation began a few months ago but has only been publicly announced.