Detecting sea lizard fossils 75 million years

Paleontologists from the University of Alberta, Canada have discovered an amazing piece of fossil, believed to belong to the ancient sea lizard species.

According to Daily Mail, fossils dating from 70-75 million years, are found in the region of Puglia, Italy. Because of this, the scientists named this strange animal Primitivus , according to the name of the Primitivo grape used in wine making in Puglia.

Picture 1 of Detecting sea lizard fossils 75 million years
Simulation image of newly discovered ancient lizard species - (Photo: Fabio Manucci).

Fossils lie for millions of years in the land that once sank in the water. When dead, lizard bodies sink to the bottom and are covered by sediments, thus preserving fossils safely before the impact of water.

"This new ocean lizard is small animals with long stems, necks and tails. They also have swimming membranes to live underwater but can still move on land," said Ilaria Paparella, the team leader. know.

Fossils can still be observed that the lizard's muscles and skin are almost perfect. This section is useful for paleontologists who are studying soft tissue of ancient organisms.

Picture 2 of Detecting sea lizard fossils 75 million years
Muscle and bone parts are still visible through tens of millions of years - (Photo: Fabio Manucci).

"There must be special conditions for soft tissue to be preserved in fossils. We hope to be licensed by the Italian government to excavate and carry out more research," Paparella said.

The team's results were published in the Royal Society Open Science magazine.