'Diet is useless for obese people'

The familiar advice for fat people is to reduce eating and exercise. But according to the leading expert in this field at Carel Le Roux, the Royal University of England, the solution to most of them must be surgery.

Picture 1 of 'Diet is useless for obese people'

Photo: daylife.com.

"Most obesity initiatives don't realize that diet doesn't work , " Le Roux said. "You just need to ask the next person to see how successful the diet will be."

According to Le Roux, our bodies are generally shaped as weight gain and not weight loss, and a diet makes this trend worse (except for a few exceptions).

The fact is that when you start losing weight by reducing the amount of calories put in, your body will fall into a state of hunger and automatically reduce the amount of energy you need, making it harder to lose weight.

"The patients I met tried everything. They lost weight only to gain weight again. The problem was not that they lacked perseverance, but that it was a physical condition."

Le Roux said that for them, surgery is the only option, such as cutting a part of the stomach and part of the small intestine or tying the upper part of the stomach to make it smaller.

This surgery not only reduces the amount of food one can take in and absorbs, but more importantly they alter the amount of hormones that determine appetite in patients, as well as alter the speed. metabolism.

The fact is, surgery is the most effective way to maintain weight for a long time.

In 2007, a Swedish study tracked 2,000 people undergoing weight loss with the help of the best medicines and lifestyle tips.

In 15 years, they gained an average weight of 1.6%.

Meanwhile, the gastricectomy group lost 25% weight, and the small stomach tightening group was 13% lighter at the same time.