To gain weight, eat with fat people

If a person is often sitting with overweight friends during a meal, his or her weight will tend to increase.

Do the weight of friends affect the eating behavior of people? This is the question that many people want to gain weight or diet for, but no one has found the answer.

Picture 1 of To gain weight, eat with fat people
Social relationships play a big role in human efforts to increase or lose weight.

To explore this issue, scientists from Loyola University, Northwestern University, Drexel University in the US and their colleagues at McGill University in Canada tracked all students in two high schools at America. The research team analyzed the students' body mass index and social relationships, Livescience said.

The results showed that the ability of fat students to lose weight in a year is 40% if they regularly contact (such as eating the same table) with friends with normal or lean body, and ability to gain weight is 27%. Conversely, if fat students often play with fat people, their ability to gain weight is up to 56% and the ability to lose weight is only 15%.

" Social relations are an important factor in people's efforts to reduce or gain weight. To increase or decrease body weight, you should not only focus on food, but also pay attention to. the people you regularly eat with, "the team concluded.

The study is published in the scientific journal Public Library of Science One.