Dinosaur teeth are as big as ... bananas

A British student studying fossils found in Nigeria in 1997 found that among them there was a great dinosaur that had never been seen on earth.

Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Bristol, England, identified the 95-million-year-old ancient creature as two feet, with a mouth full of bananas, 14 meters high and three, 2 tons. It defeated T-rex both in size and aggression.

"The remains of Carcharodontosaurus dinosaurs were originally found in the 1920s, but they had only two teeth and were lost," Brusatte said. "Other pieces found in Egypt in 1930 but were also destroyed in a bombing match."

The newly found ancient skull and fossil came from Nigeria. Significant differences between this fossil and other fossils are found near Saharan (Morocco), indicating that this may be a new species.

" The Cretaceous period lasting 95 million years is the time when the highest sea level rise and the hottest climate in the history of the earth ," Brusatte said. "It seems that the shallow waters have separated Morocco and Nigeria, creating the evolutionary division of species living in two regions."

Picture 1 of Dinosaur teeth are as big as ... bananas
A piece of jaw bone was found (Photo: MSN)

Picture 2 of Dinosaur teeth are as big as ... bananas
The animal is bigger than the bus (Photo: Nature)