Discover 2 strange stingray species in the Amazon area

The US National Geographic website said scientists have discovered two new members of the "family" of stingrays in the Amazon region, respectively Heliotrygon rosai and Heliotrygon gomesi.

Picture 1 of Discover 2 strange stingray species in the Amazon area
Heliotrygon gomesi freshwater stingrays look like a pie.
( Source: Toronto Scarborough University )

What is particularly bizarre is that these two rays have the appearance of a thin multi-piece cake.

The stingray lives in a freshwater area called the Heliotrygon rosai, which looks like a thin pie rather than a fish. The latest research shows that Heliotrygon rosai is one of two new strains of rays found in the Amazon region.

The second stingray is Heliotrygon gomesi.

Ecologist Lovejoy at Scarborough Campus, University of Toronto (Canada), in charge of the research team, said the newly discovered stingray is about 0.5m long, possibly a remnant strain of the period of ancient times tens of millions of years ago. At that time, some parts of South America remained submerged in the sea.

Discovered geological and fossil data have proven this phenomenon. When the sea recedes, some marine organisms are lucky to survive and evolve into new freshwater organisms.

Currently these animals live in different river ecosystems.