Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Possessing beautiful iridescent coat,

Possessing beautiful iridescent feathers, the "beauty" of Nicobar pigeons surprised many people.

Picture 1 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Have you ever heard of the Nicobar dove, a beautiful dove with brilliant iridescent feathers like a rainbow?These are the birds with the closest relative to the Dodo, an extinct unfortunate bird.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 2 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

The Nicobar dove, Caloenas nicobarica , is a strange dove found in small islands and coastal areas in the Nicobar Islands, eastern Malay archipelago and Solomon and Palau.The Nicobar Pigeon is currently the only member of the genus Caloenas.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 3 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

This is a large dove, measuring about 40cm in length.The head is bluish gray, like the upper neck.The tail is very short, pure white.The rest of the iridescent green fur is alternating with vibrant colors such as pink, purple pink, orange, green, emerald green.Dark pupils.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 4 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Possessing exceptionally gorgeous fur, this beautiful dove makes many people think that this is a bird from heaven.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 5 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

According to the explanation of the scientists, the reason that Nicobar pigeons are more colorful than the common pigeons are due to the geographical location where they live mainly.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 6 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Found to live heavily in the Nicobar Islands, a small archipelago, where they do not have many natural enemies, the Nicobar pigeons can comfortably wear eye-catching wings without fear of being discovered.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 7 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Living without hiding, no need to disguise makes Nicobar pigeons satisfied "dressed".(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 8 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Their beautiful, beautiful fur is one of the most beautiful fur in the bird kingdom.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 9 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

According to local people, the breeding season of Nicobar pigeons falls during the spring-summer period (April-May), they only lay one egg.The simple team is placed on tree branches with wide canopy 5 - 10m from the ground.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 10 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Nicobar pigeons like to eat nuts and fruits in the forest.They can live alone or live in groups, nesting groups on the same tree.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 11 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Nicobar pigeons are also known to eat and nest in forests in the deserted areas of small islands.When they eat, they glide down to the ground, when they want to rest, the Nicobar pigeons fly to the nest.They were also found to have naps.(Source Bored Panda).

Picture 12 of Discover the world's most exotic pigeon

Due to their outstanding appearance, Nicobar pigeons were also hunted to make ornamental birds.Currently the number of species is still very small, is a rare animal protected worldwide.(Source Bored Panda).

Update 16 December 2018



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