Discovered a giant dinosaur skeleton that has a lifespan of 70 million years

The fossil is believed to be the remains of a sauropod dinosaur, a member of the giant herbivores that live on our planet millions of years ago.

The fossil is believed to be the remains of one, a member of the giant herbivore that lives on our planet millions of years ago.

A group of Japanese and Mongolian houses discovered the skeleton of a giant dinosaur in the Gobi desert in Mongolia, the Japan-based news agency Jiji said.

Picture 1 of Discovered a giant dinosaur skeleton that has a lifespan of 70 million years

Sauropoda is a long-necked four-legged dinosaur that lives on Earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous period.(Illustration).

Fossils are believed to belong to a Sauropoda dinosaur that lived 70 million years ago. Sauropoda is a long-necked four-legged dinosaur that lives on Earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous period. This genus includes the largest creatures ever present on earth, especially the giant - the dinosaur that scientists believe has a length of over 36 meters and over 21 meters high.

The dinosaurs discovered at home seem to be smaller than their relatives, but its size is still impressive: scientists have found a 1.55 meter long fossil femur. They claim that this is one of the largest specimens excavated in the geological layer from the late Cretaceous period in the Gobi desert.

The team also discovered a fossil dinosaur footprint left over by a bird (bird-foot dinosaur) - bipedal dinosaurs. The size of the footprint measured is 0.85 meters in length and 1.15 meters in width, this is almost the largest dinosaur footprint discovered. This "big foot" dinosaur can be about 17 meters long - 5 meters larger than the famous carnivore

Update 17 December 2018



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