Discovered the 3400-year-old temple of the ancient Egyptians

A group of people found the ruins of a temple built by ancient Egyptians 3400 years ago in the city of Giza, Egypt.

A group of people found the ruins of a temple built by ancient Egyptians 3400 years ago in the city of Giza, Egypt.

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The Daily Mail reported that a group of seven people found the temple ruins built by ancient Egyptians buried under a garden on a residential street in Al-Badrashin, Giza, Egypt. The 3400-year-old artifacts were found to include the base of the pillar, seven mysterious stone plates carved with hieroglyphs and remnants of the statue.

Picture 1 of Discovered the 3400-year-old temple of the ancient Egyptians

The stela of ancient Egypt is found in the ruins of an ancient temple.(Daily Mail photo)

This new discovery has become a controversial topic when seven excavation participants have been arrested on charges of conducting illegal archeological activities in the city of Giza, Egypt. Egyptian police said the group began digging the garden about two weeks ago, but had to pause when the holes were flooded, at the same time, people living around the area informed the police about Excavation activities of the above group.

After receiving notice from the people, Egyptian police entered and arrested archaeological subjects without expertise. However, the group was only temporarily detained for a few days after authorities said that this was not an official archaeological site, besides, there had never been any indication that the area existed. at the ruins until the ancient ruins of ancient Egypt were found.

Later, experts went to look at the ruins and the area located 40km south of Cairo, and then declared that the site officially became an archaeological site. The archeology team said seven large hieroglyphic statues were still in good condition, but they also discovered a few more pillars and fragments of a 1.8-meter-tall estimate made of pink granite. A spokesman for the Egyptian archaeological police said the statue is thought to have the shape of a sitting person, the archaeological team hopes that more fragments can be found to be able to determine its shape. The original of the statue.

Picture 2 of Discovered the 3400-year-old temple of the ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egypt became prosperous under the reign of PharaohThuthmose III.(Daily Mail photo)

The relics found in this area show that the temple was built from the reign of Pharaoh Thuthmose III, around 1479 to 1425 BC, this was one of the most prosperous periods of Egypt. ancient. Thuthmose III was the nephew of pharaoh Hatshepsut and enthroned after Hatshepsut died, he ruled ancient Egypt for 32 years. During this period, Egypt captured an unprecedentedly large territory, stretching from northern Syria to the fourth Cartaract of the Nile River in Nubia.

The archaeological team also moved objects to other places for storage and further research, the area found that the ancient temple ruins were officially recognized as archaeological sites by the authorities. management and carrying out excavation activities in nearby areas to find more temple ruins.

Reference: Daily Mail

Update 17 December 2018



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