Drinking black tea prevents heart disease

Drinking three cups of black tea each day can reverse diabetes and reduce your risk of heart disease by 60%.

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Tea is a popular drink of many peoples in the world. Especially in Asian countries, people consider enjoying it an artistic pastime.

Picture 1 of Drinking black tea prevents heart disease

A recent study found that drinking black tea regularly has the effect of improving blood flow in the body, making blood flow well, not clumping and helping control blood pressure, Daily Express reported.

British doctor Carrie Ruxton and Pamela Mason has conducted numerous studies on the relationship between black tea and disease prevention. The results showed that black tea contains important organic compounds that help prevent heart disease such as antioxidant flavonoid, theanine that controls blood flow and nitric oxide production.

They said people who drank between 3 and 6 cups of black tea each day reduced their risk of heart disease by 30% to 57% compared to others, never drinking or drinking a small amount.

The researchers added that drinking 1-5 cups of black tea daily also significantly reduced the risk of diabetes (type 2).