Drinking soft drinks long time can wear away enamel

A new study of the School of Dentistry at the University of Southern Illinois, USA shows that drinking soft drinks for a long time will wear away enamel.

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According to experts, many people only worry about high sugar levels in freshwater making them gain weight and obesity, without thinking that the high acidity in these drinks can destroy tooth enamel. Some types of carbonated water contain phosphoric, citric, sugar that make teeth black, dull, calcium deficient. In particular, if you do not clean your teeth thoroughly after drinking it will be decayed tooth decay.

Picture 1 of Drinking soft drinks long time can wear away enamel

Acid and acidic sugars in soft drinks weaken tooth enamel, contributing to the formation of cavities. More seriously, weak enamel along with improper brushing can make it easier to lose teeth.

To protect your teeth, you should refrain from drinking soft drinks. If you crave, you can drink low sugar and acidic drinks such as milk, vitamins or pure fruit juice instead of carbonated types.

You can drink a moderate amount of soft drinks to stimulate digestion and help you stay alert. However, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after drinking to get rid of the acid in carbonated drinks so that they do not have a chance of long-term contact with the enamel surface.

Careful oral hygiene, regular brushing, moderation with special toothpaste containing Fluor or special ingredients to prevent tooth decay from sugar is also an effective way to protect your teeth. You should also regularly check your teeth every 6 months to promptly detect abnormal signs at an early stage.