The teeth change color black when soaked in soft drinks for two weeks

The tooth turned black and cracked after two weeks of soaking in carbonated soft drinks.

Dr. Tom Bierman, a dentist at the dental clinic in San Diego, California, USA, shared a picture of a discolored tooth by soaking in fresh water, according to Longroom.

Picture 1 of The teeth change color black when soaked in soft drinks for two weeks
The wisdom tooth turns yellow and then black under the action of fresh water.(Photo: Dr. Tom Bierman).

The first images show the color of the teeth from white to caramel, finally the black color. The enamel part is severely damaged with small cavities. This is the result of teeth "sucking " on soft drinks for two weeks.

Dr. Bierman uses his own wisdom tooth to perform the experiment. Not only did he test teeth in ordinary carbonated soft drinks, he also experimented with teeth with energy drinks and a diet with lots of carbonated soft drinks.

The result made Dr. Bierman very surprised. In the case of soaking with energy drinks, the enamel is quickly yellowed and worn out clearly.

Picture 2 of The teeth change color black when soaked in soft drinks for two weeks
The tooth surface has many broken lines.(Photo: Dr. Tom Bierman).

Enamel is a hard shell that protects the dentin inside. When enamel goes away under the action of acidic beverages, the most common culprit, dentin will be damaged, causing pain and an increased risk of tooth decay.

According to Dr. Bierman, long-term acid-soaked water will slowly dissolve like corrosion. Bacteria in the mouth exposed to high sugar levels will create acid fermentation, leading to tooth enamel erosion. This abrasion process will be faster if you consume fresh water for a long time or drink soft drinks every day.