Earth often leaks plasma out of space

A recent study by the European Space Agency said that each passing day was that time when the Earth leaked 90 tons of plasma into space outside the universe.

A recent study by the European Space Agency said that each passing day was that time when the Earth leaked 90 tons of plasma into space outside the universe.

The earth from afar outside the universe looks like a sphere covered by green and quite sustainable but in reality is not so. Every day about 90 tons of plasma still quietly escaped Earth and radiated out into space. Plasma is an invisible form of matter, formed in the atmosphere when solar rays are exposed to atmospheric particles. This plasma form follows the magnetic pathway that escapes the Earth's gravity, but most are still trapped by a giant bubble around the Earth or "plasmaphere" , more than 25,000 kilometers from Earth. .

Picture 1 of Earth often leaks plasma out of space

Simulating the phenomenon of plasma loss from the Earth

Scientists have begun observing the phenomenon of plasma escaping from Earth in the 1990s, but the latest research shows that this plasma loss phenomenon is becoming more and more frequent. Iannis Dandouras, a French scientist who took part in the study, said: "We finally found evidence of a constant and constant leak of plasma-named matter out into space."

New research data show that plasma escapes from the Earth like winds created by the interaction of gravity acting on the Earth."Imagine you bought a balloon and the next day saw it hit the ground," said a professor of physics at UCLA University. "You don't see this leak with the naked eye, but the helium gas is constantly scattered out of the balloon. It's basically what's happening to the Earth."

Fortunately people on Earth have nothing to worry about this plasma leak phenomenon. Leakage levels are quite small compared to the entire Earth's atmosphere. People living on the green planet in the long run will not be affected by this phenomenon.

Update 17 December 2018



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