Eat rice soup - the wrong habit that few people pay attention to

Chan rice soup is the habit of most Vietnamese people. Many people think that eating rice makes the meal easier to swallow. But this is an anti-scientific act, which has a negative effect on health that you need to stop right away.

According to doctors, during meals, regardless of soup or water, fresh water, all need to be restricted. The reason is that water will dilute the gastric juice, making the food in the stomach not yet digested into the small intestine, easily causing digestive diseases.

Although the soup will make us easier to swallow, it also causes the rice and food to slip into the stomach without being chewed, making the stomach work harder. If you maintain it for a long time, you will have stomach pain. The more people suffering from stomach pain should not eat rice soup.

Picture 1 of Eat rice soup - the wrong habit that few people pay attention to
The more people suffering from stomach pain should not eat rice soup.

When chewing food, enzymes in saliva produce support for digestion and absorption of food, which is very beneficial for health. When the rice is cooked in the same soup, the digestive fluid is diluted with water, thus reducing the absorption of nutrients, creating a feeling of fullness, but very little nutritional quality.

Dangerous for children

Besides broth soup also makes children eat fast, a lot of water leads to no virtual, in the long run will lack quality. In addition, this habit will form a lazy reflex to chew, adversely affecting the development of jaw muscles in children.

Young children are in the weaning phase will be even more dangerous when many parents now have a habit of feeding their children to soup so that they can eat quickly and easily swallow. This makes children absorb less nutrients because when eating soup rice, it creates a feeling of fullness but is actually a phenomenon of full virtualness, leading to a lack of substance.

In the long term, children will be chewing habits, adversely affecting the development of jaw muscles in children. When the digestive system works normally, food is easily digested and the body can absorb nutrients more quickly.

Picture 2 of Eat rice soup - the wrong habit that few people pay attention to
Chan soup also makes children eat fast, a lot of water leads to full virtual, in the long run will lack quality.

The best way to eat

  1. You should ensure the principle that "eating like drinking" means chewing carefully so that soft foods such as water and then swallowing and "drinking like eating" means taking small sips one by one.
  2. Drink water, including fruit juice or filtered water, after at least an hour for the stomach to complete the task of digesting the newly loaded food.
  3. Drink soup before starting to eat rice and other food or eat the last soup.
  4. People who want to diet or lose weight should take 1-2 soup bowls before meals to create a feeling of fullness, preventing too much rice. Young children should give the last soup to avoid making them feel full, not wanting to eat when they eat.