Eating lots of cheese increases the risk of bladder cancer

Belgian and Dutch scientists have just released recommendations for cheese and chocolate addicts, whereby if people eat 53 grams of cheese or chocolate daily, the risk of bladder cancer will increase to 50. % Conversely, if you have olive oil in your daily diet, it reduces the risk of getting the disease.

Picture 1 of Eating lots of cheese increases the risk of bladder cancer

They conducted a study of the dietary habits of 200 bladder cancer patients, along with 386 volunteers who did not have the disease and found that saturated fat in cheese is the cause of the disease. Cancer, this substance is often found in meat and milk products. Other foods like fish, chicken, eggs and margarine lead to less cancer.

The results were published in the Journal of Oncology of the EU, however, scientists also said that they found the potential anti-cancer potential of olive oil, they also pointed to the risk of cancer from too much cheese. But this result also needs to go through many other experiments to verify.