Eggs are the best source of energy

Nutritionists recommend that when tired, sluggish, lose strength, replace coffee or chocolate bars with . chicken eggs.

>>>New perspective: eating chicken eggs is only beneficial?

Who doesn't have moments of discomfort, fatigue, sleepiness, drowsiness . The mind doesn't seem to work anymore. They often ask for help with coffee and sweet cake because they hope caffeine and glucose will make them more alert. But British nutritionists have concluded that nothing can activate your ability to work better than chicken eggs.

As a result of the latest research, egg white proteins help people stay alert and focus attention when working, as the Daily Mail reported. They are more beneficial to the body than stimulants or carbohydrates like chocolates, biscuits and other sweeteners.

Picture 1 of Eggs are the best source of energy
An egg at fatigue is much better than a cup of coffee.

The University of Cambridge expert studied how different nutrients affect brain cells. Experimental, they have determined that the egg white nutrient mixture works to promote the production of natural stimulants, orexin.

This substance "orders" the body to burn calories faster and is the key to alertness, sanity, and dispel fatigue. Conversely, foods and beverages based on sweet substances inhibit the production of natural energy substances.

The conclusion of the scientists published in the Journal of Neuron, proved that protein foods not only make people more refreshing and vivacious than sugar-containing foods but also create good effects on the anti- obesity and insomnia. One author of the study, Dr. Denis Burdakov, said that special attention should be paid to this issue to know how diet affects sleep and appetite at the cellular level.

Although many people believe that chicken eggs are 'heavy' food , it is not beneficial, but the study of British nutritionists removed this prejudice.

They have shown that cholesterol in chicken eggs does not significantly affect the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to them, the main culprit in increasing cholesterol in the body is saturated fats (not containing double bonds in the molecule), drug addiction and laziness. Meanwhile, chicken eggs are a high quality protein source and contain virtually no harmful fat.