Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

Even in areas where there is no human appearance, cockroaches still exist. So where are they actually coming out?

Even in areas where there is no human appearance, cockroaches still exist. So where are they actually coming out?

Cockroaches are one of the most hated creatures in this world. To the extent that many people are willing to call them . "failure of creation".

Indeed, the hideous creature appeared everywhere, carrying dirty trash and germs of disease. The problem lies in where we go without escaping them. So have you ever wondered, where did they come from so much, and where did they go to live and how to eat and live?

Picture 1 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

Cockroaches are present everywhere (literally).

Actually cockroaches have at least . 5,000 types, but Periplaneta Americana and Blattella Germanica - also known as American cockroaches and German cockroaches - are the two most common species (and also spread the most horrors) to human.

Americana is a fairly common cockroach species in warm climates. They love large areas, especially public places like grocery stores, convenience stores or restaurants .

Picture 2 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

Cockroach Americana .

This American cockroach likes to live outdoors in places like around trash cans, trees and wood.

In addition, this species can be found in underground areas such as in ditches, steam pipes, basements or sewers. When the rainy season comes, they will perform a "great migration" to invade the building, spreading terror to everyone.

Picture 3 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

. and Germanica are close friends of humans.

Meanwhile, the comrades of Americana and Germanica seemed "more" when unable to live without people and civilized lives.

This cockroach species usually lives in large swarms, concentrated in dark, damp places, especially in kitchens, in walls, in empty drawers as well as under stoves, washing machines and dishwashers .

Picture 4 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

You can easily meet them in the kitchen (and almost everywhere).

Well, cockroaches are everywhere and they don't say anything.

What do they eat to live?

Cockroaches are not only abominable but also reproduce very quickly. Take an example of an Americana population in each sewer that can reach 5,000! Accordingly, each female cockroach will lay 150 eggs in 10 months, concentrated into a cluster close to the food source.

Germanica species can produce more than 10,000 individuals each year - statistics from Penn State Agricultural University (USA).

Because of their fertility, their nutritional needs are also very high. After the eggs hatch, the cockroaches must go through many stages of development to become adults, and each stage needs a large amount of food.

Picture 5 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

Cockroaches can eat everything.

And really . "luck" , they can eat everything from bread and fruit to paper, clothes, hair, shoes and decayed food.

Particularly, Germanica is particularly attracted to meat, sugar and fat starch. In the case of scarce food sources, they are ready to bite household items such as soap, glue or toothpaste. They can even eat each other (it's good).

Picture 6 of Every house has cockroaches but does anyone know where they are coming from?

Germanica cockroach is especially attracted to meat, sugar and fat starch.

Because of the tendency to like human waste, cockroaches can become an extremely terrible source of pathogens.

To avoid the harmful effects of cockroaches, it's best to keep your residence clean, cool and dry. Food should be stored in a "bug-proof" place , and be sure to empty it regularly.

Update 17 December 2018



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