Factors determining the spread of forest fires

The direction of movement and the rate of spread of forest fires depend on many factors, such as: wind, vegetation or steep mountainous terrain.

The spread of forest fires depends on many factors such as wind, vegetation, terrain .

The wind that provides oxygen makes the fire burn stronger and affects the direction of fire movement. The wind can also blow embers and small objects burn away, crossing white belt of fire to make the fire "jump" and spread more.

Meanwhile, vegetation acts as a fuel for the fire. The vegetation of many and dry, the bigger the fire and spread faster. Forest fires can spread at speeds of up to 5km / h.

Beside the vegetation, dry ground carpet is the perfect fuel "to support" the fire.

Picture 1 of Factors determining the spread of forest fires

The wind that provides oxygen makes the fire burn stronger and affects the direction of fire movement.

Hilly terrain also affects the spread of forest fires, the fire will spread faster if the fire is steep and vice versa, decelerating when the fire goes down.

Immediately after detection of forest fires, fire fighting will be done in the air and under the ground. Fire fighters or floatplanes can be mobilized to carry water or flame retardants to extinguish the private fire.

Canadair fire-fighters can fly 6000 liters of water each time they fly into the fire.

Under the ground, firefighters will deploy fire-fighting squad. There are 2 fire fighting tactics.

  • One is direct fire (usually applied to small and medium fires). The team will approach the nearest fire possible, encircle from all sides, but focus on the direction of the fire to stop the fire.
  • The second strategy is indirect fire fighting (often applied to large fires). By setting up a fire truck stand waiting for the fire to come and extinguish, or create a white runway surrounding the fire by removing all burning fuels.

In some cases, firefighters can actively burn the "tactical" forest (blocking method) by, burning the fire in the opposite direction so that the two flames meet and turn themselves off due to the end of the burning fuel /

Update 18 December 2018



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