Fatty liver: Causes, symptoms and treatments

Fatty liver is a liver disease that is susceptible to eating and drinking, lack of science. Find out the symptoms of each level, how to treat and what to eat, abstain from when you have it.

Fatty liver is a liver disease that is susceptible to eating and drinking, lack of science. Find out the symptoms of each level, how to treat and what to eat, abstain from when you have it.

What is fatty liver?

Fatty liver is a condition in which the liver has fat accumulated inside which exceeds 5% of the weight of the liver. Usually, fatty liver is often associated with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension . People who exercise less and eat without science are often prone to fatty liver.

In most cases, fatty liver is just a symptom of excessive fat accumulation in the liver. However, about 20% of cases can lead to cirrhosis.

Picture 1 of Fatty liver: Causes, symptoms and treatments

Fatty liver is a condition in which the liver has fat accumulated inside which exceeds 5% of the weight of the liver.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease

Fatty liver level 1

The amount of fat in the liver only accounts for about 5 to 10% of the total weight of the liver.

There may be symptoms or fatigue

This stage will not have any specific expression, quite benign and not dangerous to human health. For healthy people, it will be very difficult to detect fatty liver, only found when testing, ultrasound

Fatty liver level 2

The amount of fat in the liver accounts for about 10 to 20% of the total weight of the liver.

The patient will have more obvious manifestations such as: loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite, frequent tiredness, nausea.

These symptoms are quite common so they are easily overlooked, making the disease more and more serious.

At this stage, fatty tissue appears clearly on liver parenchyma and diaphragm. This is a period of accumulation so there is no thorough treatment. The only way to avoid progressive disease is to eat in a scientific setting, exercise regularly to create a good immune to the liver. Do not use stimulants, alcohol .

Fatty liver level 3

In the third stage, the rate of fat in the liver can reach more than 30% of the total weight of the liver, the spread of fat in the liver increases rapidly and significantly. Typical manifestations in stage 3 include jaundice, yellow eyes, loss of appetite, fatigue, rapid weight loss, floating vascular tumors, pain in the right lower quadrant .

This is the heaviest and most dangerous stage of fatty liver disease and can completely develop into cirrhosis and liver cancer if not treated properly and promptly. If fatty liver has been complications, there is no cure, the patient must live with the disease for life, the ability to prolong life depends on the method and effectiveness of treatment.

Is fatty liver dangerous?

Fatty liver is a dangerous disease and can affect the health of patients. In severe changes, the disease can complicate cirrhosis and liver cancer, there are many cases leading to death.

With the first stage, the disease is usually not dangerous, the liver has not been completely degenerated, if it is treated promptly and properly, the patient can completely recover. This disease develops quite quietly and only manifests itself when it has become worse, so you should go for a routine health check to be able to detect it in time.

Causes of fatty liver

  • Obesity: Fatty liver is an accumulation of excess fat in the liver, obese people have very high rates of illness.
  • Diabetes: Fat accumulation is strongly related to insulin resistance in people with diabetes.
  • Use a lot of alcohol.
  • Pregnant.
  • People with high cholesterol.

For the best understanding of fatty liver status, you should go to reputable units to test and ultrasound liver ultrasound. Usually, the doctors will do an ultrasound, a picture of the liver to analyze the condition of fatty liver.

Picture 2 of Fatty liver: Causes, symptoms and treatments

Alcohol and obesity, sedentary activity are the main causes of fatty liver.

Treatment of fatty liver

When suffering from fatty liver, the first thing people need to do is to lose weight and avoid alcoholic drinks, stimulants .

Control blood sugar levels as well as lipid levels by having proper diet and regular exercise.

Use drugs to treat fatty liver according to each level and severity of the disease. Need to follow the treatment regimen of specialists

In addition, patients need to be vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B to help protect patients from viruses that can damage the liver.

What should fatty liver eat and abstain from?

Eating and exercising are important issues for both patients and people who do not have fatty liver.

What should a person with fatty liver eat?

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: These are foods that are able to cool the liver, enhance the function of the liver, and supplement the fiber for the body. Various types of vegetables and fruits should be used such as: vegetables, oranges, grapefruit, cheeks, vegetables, cauliflower .
  • Silkworm pup and fresh fish contain a lot of protein, low fat to reduce the burden on the liver and still ensure adequate nutrition for the body.
  • Fatty liver should drink green teas, lotus leaves, artichokes that help reduce the amount of fat in the liver, and help cool and regulate the body.

Fatty liver should not eat anything?

  • Foods high in cholesterol: egg yolks, animal organs . are high-cholesterol foods to avoid.
  • Red meats: In red meat there is a lot of protein and is metabolized in the liver. Limiting eating these foods will help reduce the burden of liver effectively.
  • Fat, animal fat: The liver cannot excrete fat, so when it comes to fat, it accumulates, causing fatty liver, limiting eating will help reduce the burden on the liver.
  • Stay away from foods and drinks that contain stimulants or alcohol
  • Do not eat hot spices or spicy foods

The above is the information you need to know about fatty liver disease. Keep in mind to protect you and your family's health.

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Diet for patients with fatty liver

Update 03 May 2019



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