Finding 110 new genes causes breast cancer

British breakthrough research brings hope to many breast cancer patients by deciphering most genetic mechanisms related to the disease.

In the article just published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, the group of authors from the London Cancer Research Institute has shocked the list of 110 genes that increase the risk of secondary breast cancer. female.

Previously, many cases of breast cancer were known to have genetic causes, but the number of genes causing the disease was determined to count only on the fingertips, most notably BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 . Angelina Jolie, the female star, even decided to cut her breasts completely after learning she had a BRCA mutation.

Picture 1 of Finding 110 new genes causes breast cancer
110 genes related to newly discovered breast cancer provide hope for more effective methods of diagnosis and treatment - (photo: SHUTTERSTOCK).

Dr. Olivia Fletcher, a member of the research team, said they have created a detailed map of the risk areas of breast cancer, thereby capturing specific genes that make up those risk areas.

A tool called Capture Hi-C has been used to create interactive maps as well as "kidnap" genes related to the disease.

According to Professor Paul Workman, director of the London Cancer Research Institute, new understanding of genes will help scientists have a basis to research and produce drugs that target more effectively as well as other drugs. Strategies to improve diagnosis and prevention of diseases.

It is considered one of the most dangerous types of cancer in women. Some men may also suffer. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), women should regularly check their breasts and see a doctor immediately if there is one of the following symptoms: changing the size or shape of one or both breasts; a lump or swelling in the armpit; abnormal changes and wrinkles in the chest area; a rash on or around the nipple; shape change or natural nipple indented .