Finding dinosaur fossils are pregnant

Scientists at the University of London discovered in China that a female dinosaur has more than a dozen embryos growing well in the abdomen.

Picture 1 of Finding dinosaur fossils are pregnant
Dinosaur fossils. Image for illustrative purposes.

New fossils discovered at Tshehol belong to Liaoning province (Liaonin), China almost completely retains the ancient ecosystem. This is because of the dinosaurs, the mammals, the birds, the reptiles that live there are buried in the volcanic eruption. After many millions of years of resting under limestone, all turned into fossils and only recently, due to the weathering process unfolding on the ground.

Paleontologists recount that many pieces of fossils are preserved so well that, with their eyes, they often recognize feathers, patterns on the skin, and even food in their stomachs. just eat before dying.

A 'tiny' dinosaur of only about 30 cm in length is paid special attention by paleontologists. First of all, it is still the oldest object found to be pregnant, second, it is a reptile that gives birth to a baby.

Let us recall that most of the reptiles available on Earth spawn eggs, not the offspring.