Finding the Javan rhino is still reproducing

Secret cameras located in Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia recorded pictures of several Javan rhinos.

Picture 1 of Finding the Javan rhino is still reproducing
Jawa rhinoceros

WWF World Wildlife Fund said, two Java rhinos and two baby animals. This is evidence that this species is still reproducing.

At a press conference in Banten Province on March 1, Abh-Pr-bu-go (Ujung Kulon National Park Director) said: ' The Indonesian government has a plan to make Ujung Kulon National Park successful. Java rhino conservationist. For the past 10 years, we have discovered 12 baby rhinos through the camera, which gives us hope for the future of this rare animal . '

According to WWF , the emergence of rhinos from around 1 to 2 years old brings hope to save this species from the brink of extinction.

Currently there are only 40 Javan rhinos and no children living in captivity, making it one of the most rare mammals on the planet facing the risk of disappearance. This species of rhino was previously present in many parts of Southeast Asia, but is now mostly live in Ujung Kulon National Park in Indonesia.

In 2010, also in this National Park, there were 3 Javan rhinos that died but still unknown reasons.

Images of rhinoceros skeletons found in Ujung Kulon National Park:

Picture 2 of Finding the Javan rhino is still reproducing

Picture 3 of Finding the Javan rhino is still reproducing

Picture 4 of Finding the Javan rhino is still reproducing