Finding toys in ancient times

British archaeologists have discovered a proof that children in ancient times loved toys as much as children today.

British archaeologists have discovered a proof that children in ancient times loved toys as much as children today. They found a toy porcupine in the tomb of a 3-year-old baby.

Archaeologists believe that this chalky porcupine may be a favorite toy for a 3-year-old baby and it was placed next to her body when she died at the end of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, about 3,000 years ago.

Archaeologists discovered the tomb surmise that it was the baby's father who placed the porcupine next to her to rest, and this is the first hedgehog in British history.

Picture 1 of Finding toys in ancient times

The hedgehog was found near Stonehenge.
(Photo: DailyMail)

A month ago, while digging near the Stonehenge stone building, the workers discovered the baby tomb.

Archaeologist Dennis Price said: ' It is not difficult to imagine the pain and emotions of a loved one when the baby dies. In the midst of the gloomy atmosphere around Stonehenge, one sees a ray of light when it finds a toy placed next to a tiny remains to accompany her into eternity . '

' We still don't know how porcupines play a role in the lives of prehistoric humans, so this can be considered a unique discovery of one of the famous prehistoric symbols and most popular '.

Picture 2 of Finding toys in ancient times

Update 17 December 2018



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