Firefox runs more stable with the new upgrade

Picture 1 of Firefox runs more stable with the new upgrade Mozilla, on March 13, released an update to fix some security flaws and added the ability to support Macs systems equipped with Intel processors for Firefox browsers.

Burning Edge - a Firefox development monitoring site - confirms that the most serious security error fixed this time is that the bug can be hijacked by malicious attackers from the system.

Most of the patched security bugs belong to Firefox version. However, the developer said it would release a similar patch for version 1.5 within the next two days.

' We think this is really an important upgrade and recommend users should update as soon as possible ,' said Mike Schroepfer, Mozilla's vice president, in a statement. ' This is one of our most stable and complete patches. This update has actively addressed a wide range of security and operational issues as related to browser stability . '

The specific information on these security holes has not been released yet. However, Mozilla representatives said the company will quickly publish this information.

In addition to fixing security flaws, this upgrade also includes a number of browser stability enhancements and additional support for Intel-based Mac systems.