Fish rain in India

Picture 1 of Fish rain in India Last Thursday (July 20), the villagers of Manna, India, saw firsthand an unprecedented strange phenomenon: torrential rains from the sky poured down.

'At first few people noticed, but then people began to find mud-filled objects falling in the rain, jumping on the ground. The heavier the rain, the more the splits appear. ' - Abubaker, owner of a village shop told the Hindustan Times reporter.

Quickly, the villagers were amazed to see that they were tiny fish, only flattened with a pencil and still fresh. They look like paralas - a freshwater fish that is very popular in Indian rivers.

This is the first time that 'fish rain' has occurred in a northern Indian province, but this phenomenon has previously been recorded in many other parts of the world, even frog rain and tomato rain.

Amazingly, there was no invisible supernatural force in hand .

According to the explanation of scientists, sometimes the whirlwind winds or giant whirlpools 'roam' through a certain area, by the way, pick up objects that clog them up in the air and drop them another distant land, creating strange rains that surprised people.