Ngan Sau river at Chu Le 12.65m, on the alarm 2: 0.65m; At Hoa Duyet 10.32m, under alarm 3: 0.18m; La river at Linh Cam 5.69m, on alarm2: 0.19m; Kien Giang river at Le Thuy 1.90m, under alarm 2: 0.30m.
The flood forecast of rivers in Nghe An to Quang Binh continues down. Tomorrow morning (October 22), the water level in the rivers is as follows, Ca River in Nam Dan down to 6.20m, under the alarm 2: 0.70m;
Ngan Sau river at Chu Le down to 11.5m, under alarm 2: 0.5m; at Hoa Duyet down to 9.50m, on alarm 2: 0.5m; La river at Linh Cam down to 5.10m, on alarm 1 is 0.60m; Kien Giang river at Le Thuy down to 1.50m, on the alarm 1: 0.30m