Found skull Queen Cleopatra

Egyptian archaeologists claim to have found a skull suspected of Cleopatra's ancient talent.

Egyptian archaeologists claimed to have made a significant achievement in an effort to find the ancient queen of Cleopatra, when she found a suspected skull.

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The skull was found in the grave near the temple of Taposiris Magna.Photo: Daily Mail.

They discovered the skull in the stone coffin as they searched near the temple of Taposiris Magna near Alexandria with radar waves. The coffin also has a complete skeleton.

The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities said the Taposiris Magna temple is located on Lake Abusir and was built during the reign of King Ptolemy II (from 282 to 246 BC). Archaeological experts have excavated the temple for the past 3 years. They found many deep tunnels, of which three were supposed to be burial sites, and 10 mummies. In addition, there is a statue of Cleopatra with snow-flower marble, a mask said by General Mark Anthony, 22 coins of Cleopatra.

"This may be our most important discovery in the 21st century. The temple is an ideal place for Cleopatra to hide , " said archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Antiquities. expression.

Picture 2 of Found skull Queen Cleopatra

Cleopatra and Gen Mark Anthony in Cleopatra (1963)

Dr. Hawass said, if the image of 22 coins is Cleopatra's true, the Egyptian queen is quite bad.

"Coins support a recent hypothesis, whereby Cleopatra is not as sexy as it is rumored," Hawass said.

Scientists will conduct analysis to see if the skull belongs to Cleopatra. This will help people find answers to many questions regarding the Egyptian queen and General Mark Anthony (her husband). According to history books, the two committed suicide after General Mark Antony was defeated in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Roman documents say that lovers are buried together.

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Dr. Zahi Hawass walked in the temple of Taposiris Magna. Photo: Daily Mail.
However, many other experts are skeptical about the skull belonging to Cleopatra queen. John Baines, professor of Egyptology at Oxford University, thinks that as a general, Mark Anthony must be buried in a solemn place that can stand at the same time, not in a hole deep in the temple.

Cleopatra (born 69 BC) is the last pharaoh of Egypt. After her death, Egypt became part of the Roman Empire. Cleopatra can speak 9 languages ​​and is very intelligent. She was given the leadership of the country very early. Her intelligence is greatly praised in Arabic and Egyptian literature. She built a powerful war fleet to confront the Roman empire.

Update 17 December 2018



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