Future sea will become

Scientists attending the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico have warned that in the near future the sea may be taken over by a huge number of jellyfish species.

The increase in the number of jellyfish is due to the fact that the marine environment around the world is increasingly " sour ".

Picture 1 of Future sea will become
Large jellyfish herd in the island nation of Palau, in the South Pacific. (Source: Internet)

According to scientists, as the oceans increasingly sour, they will hinder the growth of marine microorganisms such as coral reefs and shellfish, the survival of fish species. In particular, this is likely to cause a strong outbreak of a large number of jellyfish species.

Previous studies have shown that in highly acidic waters, clown fish and some other fish have not been able to effectively avoid predators. This is because the acidity of seawater has affected their brain.

The acidification of the sea will likely cause catastrophe, further spreading to the sea on a global scale and affecting the entire food chain in the marine world.

The report of the scientists also pointed out if growing at the current rate, by the end of this century, the acidity of the sea will increase 1.5 times.

The rapid change in the chemical properties of seawater will become an unprecedented serious event since the extinction dinosaurs 65 million years ago.