From a flock of locusts spanning more than 170 km to giant snail troops, large-scale outbreaks of animals often occur when a species grows rampant.

Jellyfish are invertebrates, with about 95% of the body being water. This species appeared more than 650 million years ago, before dinosaurs.

With the black background behind, these sea creatures appear vividly and extremely sharp.

Stunning photos of natural animals are recorded in a true and vivid way.

Take a look at a world of wonders with tiny, invisible creatures on the ocean floor.

Lake Sua in the island nation of Palau is where people can struggle freely among millions of soft jellyfish, like princes.

A series of animals that humans never knew were discovered in a mid-Atlantic region.

Extremely large jellyfish that once swept into Japanese waters in 2005 will likely return this summer, experts predict.

US scientists discovered a mysterious glowing jellyfish in the Mariana ocean trench with a depth of 11,000m.

Jellyfish are not among the described creatures that appear to arouse people's appetite.