10 exotic sea animals

A series of animals that humans never knew were discovered in a mid-Atlantic region.

National Geographic said that scientists from the Ocean Center at the University of Aberdeen, England conducted a survey on the Atlantic bottom for 6 weeks. Their survey ended on July 3. Below are pictures of the 10 most exotic animals they found.

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Starfish species have a very complex limb system. They use the limbs to move and catch prey.

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Sea worms have fins emitting blue light. They live in a completely dark environment.

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Scientists think this strange creature could be a link between invertebrates and vertebrates.

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Most of the jellyfish that humans know often swim in the middle water of the ocean, but the jellyfish in the image floats a few centimeters from the bottom. Its tentacles hit the bottom and this is an unusual phenomenon.

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A sea cucumber species lives on the slopes of the Atlantic bottom mountains.

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The worm in the image is a primitive marine life, like the ancestors of humans and all terrestrial vertebrates. It has no eyes, sensory organs and brain. According to scientists, this is a living fossil representing every animal that moves first on earth.

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The jellyfish is hunting in a place with absolutely no light.

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Usually sea cucumber species move under the seabed at the same speed as terrestrial slugs. But this sea cucumber swim in the water at a fairly fast speed.

Picture 9 of 10 exotic sea animals
The worm's DNA will also be analyzed so that scientists can see if it is a transitional form of invertebrate animals and bone animals.

Picture 10 of 10 exotic sea animals
Another species of sea cucumber.