A special camera has been taken down by scientists to a depth of 1.300m below the ocean surface and discovered a strange creature.

According to the Daily Mail, sea urchins are by far the only animal that can see without eyes.

Scientists believe that mermaids are just a product of human imagination when they see manatee or dugongs from a distance.

This strange creature named Larvaceans lives a few hundred meters from the water. By absorbing and processing all the oceanic floating nutrients, Larvaceans helped maintain the

The giant manta sting caught attention in April last year when a fisherman in northern Peru accidentally caught an individual weighing 900kg.

Hundreds of thorny starfish drifted to a coast in southern Japan in the past few days and scientists thought they were stranded due to lack of food. People discovered more than

Hai clung to the sea crab to hitchhike is one of the most impressive images scientists have taken during a recent exploration of Indonesian waters.

Looking at the strange images of the sea lily makes many people wonder.

The ocean floor is home to many giant and mysterious sea creatures: white shark, giant mussel ...

A series of animals that humans never knew were discovered in a mid-Atlantic region.