Garden robots clothing

Japanese scientists have invented a costume that, when brought in, makes gardening a lot easier.

Picture 1 of Garden robots clothing
Gardening fun in your spare time is increasingly favored. The hard part is digging and eradicating wild plants. Japanese scientists have invented a costume that, when brought in, makes gardening a lot easier.

This robot costume weighs about 30kg, is invented by the Department of Agricultural Technology, University of Tokyo. The suit uses eight motors and 16 sensors, a member of the research team who wears it and performs a radish picking.

Researchers believe that this robotic outfit will be very useful for the elderly, people with a disability in the leg or muscle weakness, joints. However, its price is a problem with £ 3,500- £ 7,000 per set, too expensive for the farmer!

Update 11 December 2018



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