Global wind map

It is an interactive tool that makes it possible to observe the flow of wind around the world spectacularly.

>>>Launched the first world map of Earth forest area

Picture 1 of Global wind map

The name of this website is Earth Wind Map , which shows the wind going through our planet with zigzag lines with the outline of the continent below.

A gentle breeze is shown in thin green yarn, strong yellow breeze, the strongest winds are bright red. Users can use the mouse to rotate the globe on the screen and click on a specific location to see the wind speed.

This site is designed by software engineer Cameron Beccario, a visual description of the global weather forecast of supercomputers. The data used from the National Center for Environmental Protection, the US National Weather Service, the National Association for Oceans and the Atmosphere. Every 3 hours is updated once.

This global wind map is inspired by the American wind map created by designer Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg, showing air flows in the United States but only a monochrome map.