Harmful from the fake perfume
Many consumers buy counterfeit goods and poor quality goods partly because the prices of these products are quite cheap.
Many consumers buy counterfeit goods and poor quality goods partly because the prices of these products are quite cheap. However, these gods may not measure all the harms of counterfeit products, especially perfume products.
"You often spray perfume on your neck and wrists. Those places on your body are very sensitive to chemicals, so poor-quality perfumes containing active ingredients are extremely dangerous for you. Your health, "said Dr. Valerie Salembier, Publishing Director of the famous Harper's Bazaar Magazine.
Dr. Salembier and her colleagues conducted a study of the harmful effects of fake fragrances within 6 years. The results were published in Harper's Bazaar in January 2010, suggesting that the active ingredients found in fake perfumes include urine (urine), bacteria, anti-scaling chemicals.
Recently, investigating agencies in England and Ireland have examined the fake perfume products they seized and found that these products contain very high concentrations of urine (urine). Medical experts believe that urine is used to balance PH levels and create colors for perfumes.
Dr. Jeannette Graf, a specialist in the Department of Willow at Great Neck Hospital in New York, said she has yet to discover a patient who is irritated by the use of real perfume. However, the cases of irritation due to the use of fake perfumes are quite common and these patients often suffer from inflammation or burning of the skin.
"Patients with irritation caused by fake perfumes often feel strange symptoms such as burning and reddening skin, immediately after use," Dr. Graf said.
In addition, the doctor also said that patients with irritation caused by fake perfumes to treat her department were increasing. The reason is that fake perfume is being sold widely in the market as well as on the internet. This makes it difficult for quality management agencies to control this item.
Earlier this month, the investigators of Carolina State (USA) unexpectedly checked the items sold at Durham Shopping Center. As a result, they discovered counterfeit goods worth up to $ 3.6 million, including fake perfumes.
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