Heatstroke, heatstroke: Causes and ways of handling

Heatstroke, heatstroke is a common phenomenon in the summer, especially during the hot and sunny days . When heatstroke is drunk, people get drunk not only tired, dizzy, headache, and headache. . but also can cause stroke. If the patient is not treated promptly, there may be irreversible neurological sequelae and death.

Picture 1 of Heatstroke, heatstroke: Causes and ways of handling
Sunstroke often manifests severe illness from the beginning, may have many early neurological signs.

Therefore, we need to understand under what circumstances, people are prone to sunstroke, heatstroke to prevent and manage when people suffer from heatstroke, heatstroke, especially in the current weather conditions. .


Sun stroke

When working or going too long outside in the sun, many sun rays will shine straight into the neck. Under the continuous effect of harsh sunlight, the body temperature regulation center will be shaken to disturb the body temperature and the body's loss of water . So sunstroke often manifests serious illness from the beginning, may have many early neurological signs, it is very clear that the lesions can recover or not recover. Some cases may have subdural hematoma and in the brain.


As a whole, dehydration is accompanied by a disorder of regulating body temperature, vasomotor disorder, which is due to the fact that the body temperature regulation center is not adapted to the surrounding weather conditions.Sun and heat are two physical agents that can cause stress to the body. When the outdoor temperature is too high, with too long to be exposed to the sun or to work in hot, high temperature environments (pits, closed rooms .), or operating Excessive physical strength in young people (playing high-intensity sports, prolonged heavy work) . will lead to the phenomenon of heat generated and the amount of heat absorbed is much greater than the amount of body heat radiating to the surrounding environment. Therefore, in heatstroke, the total dehydration is mainly.

Picture 2 of Heatstroke, heatstroke: Causes and ways of handling
It is necessary to equip sun protection equipment when working outdoors in the sun to prevent heatstroke, heatstroke.

Expression when suffering from heatstroke, heatstroke

A common feature is that both heatstroke and heatstroke lead to a hyperthermia . When the body temperature increases, it leads to an increase in the elimination of perspiration, which causes the body to lose a large amount of water. If this phenomenon is not timely compensated, it will lead to the reduction of circulatory volume causing cardiovascular disorders and substance disorders. Severe electrolytes can be fatal. Another risk factor when elevated body temperature will cause dysfunction of many organs such as cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological .

Patients with sunstroke often see dry and hot skin, fatigue, headache, difficulty staying, blushing, vomiting and diarrhea. Some other symptoms may occur such as reduced ability to assess, grotesque gestures, hallucinations, conscious changes, confusion, disorientation and coma, seizures.

Picture 3 of Heatstroke, heatstroke: Causes and ways of handling The manifestations of heatstroke and heatstroke may depend on the degree of body temperature and time.

The manifestations of heatstroke and heatstroke may depend on the degree of body temperature and time. It may be from mild initial symptoms such as increased heart rate, increased breathing, palpitations and fatigue, dizziness, headache, disconnected limbs, mild irritation, progressive dyspnea. , cramps . and finally fainting, coma, cardiovascular collapse, death.

How to handle

Before a case of sunstroke, heatstroke should immediately take first aid measures immediately without the support of medical staff or medical facilities:

Quickly conduct a hypothermia for the victim: Immediately remove the victim into a cool, ventilated place, remove the clothes, give cool water with salt, cold water with a cool towel or ice in dynamic locations. Large vessels near the skin such as the armpit, groin, neck. The implementation helps patients to cool down is extremely important and necessary. Because heatstroke, heatstroke is caused by increased body temperature and dehydration.

If the coma does not drink water or vomit constantly, the fever rises continuously, with symptoms of abdominal pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing, then quickly transfer the victim to the nearest medical facility. During the transport process, the victim will often cool.

At health centers, victims will be given rehydration and electrolytes as well as other support measures. In case of high fever victims, paracetamol can be used to help reduce fever. If convulsions must use anticonvulsants for patients. The case of a coma victim may require a mechanical ventilation tube.

Picture 4 of Heatstroke, heatstroke: Causes and ways of handling Drink enough water when it is hot or heavy labor.

Prevention of heatstroke, heatstroke

  1. It is important to take measures to prevent heatstroke, heatstroke.It isnot working too long in the sun or in a hot environment as well as avoiding excessive physical activity.
  2. Always fully equipped with sun protection equipment when working, working in the sun like working clothes, hats, hats, glasses .
  3. Cool working environment, especially factories, pits are very meaningful in preventing heatstroke, heatstroke.
  4. Drink water often even if you are not thirsty.Should drink a lot of water with salt mixed or best drink oresol solution, juice.
  5. Periodically after about 45 minutes or 1 hour of work, rest in a cool place for 15-20 minutes.