High education level is hereditary?

Researching genetic data of nearly 300,000 people of European descent, scientists have discovered 74 genes that can dominate learning ability and education level in humans.

This is considered one of the largest genetic studies ever done. This finding proves that genetic factors also contribute to an individual's success, according to the Daily Mail.

Picture 1 of High education level is hereditary?
Genetic factors may affect the level of education in humans - (Photo: Shutterstock).

By scanning the genome hundreds of thousands of people, the scientists also discovered genes that govern other factors such as health, life ., notably discovering genes related to some diseases such as: Alzheimer's, bipolar and schizophrenic disorders.

Finding genes that affect learning ability is considered an important finding, said Dr. Daniel Benjamin, one of the participants at the University of Southern California (USA).

However, the researchers also noted that genetic factors can make a difference between one person and the other, but only make a small decision.The biggest dominant factor is still the environment.

So is the health problem. Genetic factors can increase the risk of someone getting sick but it is the lifestyle and the living environment that will help the person to be healthy or promote stronger disease.