High intensity exercise reduces the ability to have children

Girls who are too aggressive in the gym are three times more likely to have problems with childbirth, a study has just published.

While experts agree that moderate physical training brings great health benefits, they also believe that in order to get pregnant, the body needs a huge amount of "life". .

Picture 1 of High intensity exercise reduces the ability to have children

High-intensity exercise affects a woman's ability to give birth.Photo: DailyMail.

The research team from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology investigated 3,000 women, asking them about the frequency, duration and intensity of physical training from 1984 and 1986.

In the following 10 years of follow-up, these people were asked about their pregnancy, DailyMail said.

Sigridur Lara Gudmundsdottir, the leader of the research team, said: "Among all these women, we found two groups at high risk of infertility. They are practitioners almost every day, and practitioners. "The girls combined both of these factors have the highest risk of infertility."

Even when taking into account other factors such as age, weight, marital status, smoking habits, the data show that people who exercise the most positively have a 3 times higher risk of infertility. Moderate practitioners.

The team also said young girls are more vulnerable to this risk.

Of the people under 30 who exercise the most, 25% of them cannot conceive in the first year, compared with an average of only 7%.

However, the team also said that this negative effect does not seem to last forever. "Most of the hardest practitioners in the 1980s actually had children in the 1990s."