Homemade cheese from bacteria in ... armpits, human legs

Scientists have found a way to process cheese from the bacteria that inhabit the legs, navel and even in the armpit of a person.

Scientists have found a way to process cheese from the bacteria that inhabit the legs, navel and even in the armpit of a person.

>>>Video: Homemade cheese from bacteria on human feet

Scientist Christina Agapakis and scent expert Sissel Tolaas collected bacteria for the project, called their "Selfmade" . Tolaas revealed on her website: "Selfmade is a series of" sketches or portraits "with bacteria that reflect the microbiological characteristics of each individual in a unique piece of cheese."

Picture 1 of Homemade cheese from bacteria in ... armpits, human legs

Photo: Daily Mail

Each of the special cheeses mentioned above was created to reflect the typical flavor of the person who provided the "ingredients" for processing it. Like the owner's body, each piece of cheese contains a unique microbial system, creating its own characteristic smell.

The invention team revealed, each cheesecake was born thanks to a set of bacteria extracted from the skin of artists, scientists, anthropologists and cheese makers. Microbial "material" samples are taken from human tears, legs, navel and even armpits with sterile cotton rags.

The researchers recorded a short film explaining this novel cheese processing and interviews with those who donated the bacteria. They recently displayed 11 cheeses of this type at an exhibition of artificial biology in Dublin, Ireland.

The inventor group claims that bacterial cheese is born not to eat, but instead: "evoke new debates about our relationship with our own bodies and microbes" .

Update 14 December 2018



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