Honey is good for health but it must be noted that this will not kill

Honey is called "the most perfect nutritious food in nature" and ancient Greeks considered honey as a "gift of heaven".

Honey is both a good medicine and a good drink that can prolong life. It can also be used as a food for beauty.

The combination of honey and the following 4 foods can effectively treat small diseases and nourish health.

Honey + Le

Picture 1 of Honey is good for health but it must be noted that this will not kill
Honey cooked with pears helps treat extremely good cough.

Pear peeled, sliced ​​or put whole fruit, soaked in salt water 5 minutes. Then put the pears in a clean bowl and pour honey into, marinate for 20-30 minutes for honey to seep into the pears. Finally, pour the honey bowl into the water to steam the water for 30 minutes. Honey cooked with pears helps treat extremely good cough.

Honey + Milk

Honey helps promote digestion, and calcium in milk is very rich. Combine both foods together, work to beautify the skin, strengthen the immune system, prevent osteoporosis. Before going to bed, honey milk also helps to sleep better.

Honey + Ginger

Freshly sliced ​​ginger, soaked with about 300ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, then add an appropriate amount of honey to a cup of ginger juice and stir.

Effect of ginger honey water:

Enhance the immune system

Because both honey and ginger contain antioxidants, antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, it helps the body strengthen the immune system, prevent many diseases and the risk of infection.

Picture 2 of Honey is good for health but it must be noted that this will not kill
Honey and ginger contain antioxidants, antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Treat cough and sore throat

Ginger has been widely used to help reduce fever, warm the body, treat nausea, relieve ear pain, soothe a sore throat, and it helps relieve cough and bronchitis.

Pure honey also has medicinal properties that are full of nutrients. It covers the throat to relieve sore throat. Honey is also an antibacterial and anti-infection agent for the entire body. It is rich in vitamins B, C, D, and E and substances that enhance the immune system.

AIDS digestion

Honey ginger has a high content of protein that helps in digestion, and it also stimulates bile excretion, helps to dissolve fat. Moreover, it stimulates the growth of intestinal bacteria, helps speed up the digestive process and facilitates proper bowel movements.

Improve blood circulation

Compounds found in ginger like gingerols and zingerone are known to help warm the body, thus improving blood circulation. The amino acids in ginger help increase circulation and reduce the ability of cardiovascular diseases.

Honey porridge: After cooking white porridge, add a moderate amount of honey porridge and stir. This porridge is not only delicious but also can quickly replenish energy, eliminate fatigue and regulate blood circulation.

Be careful when eating honey

  1. 1. Honey is rich in glucose and fructose, very easily absorbed by the body. Although it can energize the human body in a timely manner, if eating too much honey, it will certainly cause obesity.
  2. 2. Honey should not be eaten on an empty stomach for a long time, to avoid gastric acid secretion and gastrointestinal diseases.

Picture 3 of Honey is good for health but it must be noted that this will not kill
Honey with onions, garlic are very different.

  1. 3. Do not eat garlic and onions with honey. These are two things that are very heterosexual due to onions, garlic, temperate, new canopy, honey and orange or watery. New canopy is wasting gas, waterlogged with two things opposing to each other to produce madness or heat, the cancer, belly. You can handle it by drinking licorice juice.
  2. 4. Honey combined with banana or soybean will cause bloating, cancer, even death.
  3. 5. Limit drinking tapioca and honey, although they do not cause immediate danger to the body but will make us itchy and hot in the body. If the person is weak, the reaction will be more severe.
  4. 6. Do not use this type of bile for children under 12 months because of allergy.
  5. 7. Water mixed with honey must be less than 50 degrees Celsius, not too hot, because under the action of high temperature, the nutrients in honey will be destroyed, and the enzymes in it will be inactive, affects taste as well as nutrition, and is not beneficial to health.

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